SITARA Consult Pvt. Ltd. is a consulting company established and registered as SITARA Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. in March 2004 to provide high quality professional services. In 2006, this has been renamed as SITARA Consult Pvt. Ltd. Since then, it is rapidly growing as a notable consulting company in Nepal with engagement in various professional services. SITARA Consult Pvt. Ltd. is an independent, non-political and secular engineering and management consulting firm registered under the Company Register Office (CRO), Ministry of Industry, Nepal.
In general, the Firm provides services in research and studies; preparation of standards/ manuals/ guidelines; detailed surveys and assessment; surface and sub-surface investigation, testing and analysis; preparation of maps, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, detailed engineering design; preparation of detailed project report (DPR); pre-construction and post-construction services; contract administration, construction supervision and quality control; training and technology transfer, institutional strengthening etc.